Selected Online Journals
General | Special Interest/period related | Foreign Language |
A comprehensive list of online journals in all fields.
Also appended is a list of Other Helpful Sites for finding online journals.
Subject Heading: General Special interest/period-related journals - Eighteenth Century Life: Studies all aspects of European life during the enlightenment
- Eighteenth Century Studies: Studies of all aspects of Eighteenth Century life, including literature.
- Journal of the History of Ideas : "examines the evolution of ideas and their influence on historical developments....covers several fields of historical study including the history of philosophy, literature, the natural and social sciences, religion, the arts, and culture in general.
- The Lion and the Unicorn: "a theme- and genre-centered journal of international scope committed to a serious, ongoing discussion of literature for children."
- Literature and Medicine: "showcases the creative and critical work of renowned physician-writers, leading literary scholars, and medical humanists."
- Modernism / Modernity: Concentrates on "the period extending roughly from 1860 to the present...focuses systematically on the methodological, archival, and theoretical exigencies particular to modernist studies. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach linking music, architecture, the visual arts, literature, and social and intellectual history."
- Modern Fiction Studies: "Devoted to criticism and scholarship of fiction of the twentieth century," this journal contains "essays in cultural criticism," as well as "articles on prominent works of modern and contemporary literature" and book reviews.
- Postmodern Culture: an electronic journal of interdisciplinary criticism.
- Speculum: A journal dedicated to Medieval Studies. "The primary geographic focus is on Western Europe, but Byzantine, Hebrew, Arabic, and Slavic Studies are also included."
- Studies in the Renaissance, Renaissance Quarterly, and Renaissance News
Foreign Language journals- Antologia (frammentaria) della Letteratura Italiana
- arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft / International Journal of Literary Studies
- Colloquium Helveticum: Cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée
- Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada
- DBNL (Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren)
"The Digital Library of Dutch Literature is a collection of primary and secondary information on Dutch language and literature in its historical, societal and cultural context." - Exemplaria: Revista Internacional de Literature Comparada
- Germano-slavica
- Neohelicon: acta comparationis litterarum universarum
- Orbis Litterarum: An International Review of Literary Studies
- Semicerchio: Rivista di poesia comparata
- Surfaces: Electronic Journal / Revue électronique
Bilingual/Multilingual Journals- Applied Semiotics/Sémiotique Appliquée: (English and French) a bilingual academic journal devoted to literary semiotic research.(U. of Toronto)
- Dimension2 : (English and German) Selected articles from The Second Dimension, which intends to continue the tradition started in 1968 with the bilingual journal Dimension. The Dimension archive is held by the Beinecke Rare Book Library here at Yale.
- Electronic Bulletin of the Dante Society of America: English and Italian; criticism, translation, speculation.
- Glossen: (English and German) Published on the Web twice a year; the "internationale Zeitschrift zur Literatur, Film, und Kunst nach 1945." [slow loading page; alternative link here]
- MLN: Modern Language Notes: Published five times a year, each time with one of five topics: Comparative Literature, Italian, German, Hispanic, or French
- Other Helpful Sites:
- Electronic journals at Yale: A complete list of online journals available at Yale.
- BCLA (British Comparative Literature Association) Home Page
- Ejournal SiteGuide: a MetaSource
- Electronic Literary Journal Projects: A catalogue of links to journals, magazines, and essays pertaining to literary studies. Located in Berlin.
- Tocs-In : (U. Toronto) archives the tables of contents of over 150 journals of interest to classicists.
- Voice of the Shuttle: Journals
- Johns Hopkins University's Project Muse
- Revues électroniques traitant du monde antique: Tables of contents and other information pertaining to electronic journals in literary criticism.
- "[T]he most comprehensive directory of information about more than 150,000 publications and more than 8000 newspapers around the world." Not restricted to online publications.
- Journals available in print only
- Comparative Criticism: "an annual journal of comparative literature and cultural studies" containing "major articles on literary theory and criticism; on a wide range of comparative topics; and on interdisciplinary debates." (Cambridge University Press)
- New Comparison: "A journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies" (BCLA: British Comparative Literature Association)
- Papers on Language and Literature: "A journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature" (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville)
- Symposium: "a quarterly journal of criticism in modern literatures originating in languages other than English." (Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation)
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